When you read and study this book and those that will follow, it is not necessary that you agree with them. If you are a believer, it is necessary that you spend time studying these matters and it is necessary that you rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you. Ask God the Father to have the Holy Spirit teach you what is truth and to guard you from error.
Do not be set so firmly on any beliefs you have held previously that the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures cannot teach you new truth. Remember that this is what happened with the disciples of Jesus when they refused to hear the truth of His coming death and resurrection.
During these last days it is important that believers put their hearts and minds together to discover fully what God wants us to know about the future. It is no accident that we all can see the world moving closer to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ…and all the things that lead up to it!
Thank you for spending the time to make comments or ask questions. Please keep all questions and comments consistent with a Christian attitude of love and patience.